Collectie Engelse taalkunde

Namens de Stichting Boeken voor Mensen wil ik graag uw aandacht voor een gespecialiseerde collectie wetenschappelijke werken op het gebied van de Engelse taalkunde en Algemene Taalwetenschap. Op een enkele titel na zijn de boeken allemaal in het Engels.

De boeken zijn afkomstig uit het bezit van de in juni 2021 overleden taalkundige prof. Flor Aarts, emeritus hoogleraar aan de universiteit van Nijmegen.

De collectie wordt als één kavel verkocht. De boeken zijn gebruikt, en bevatten dus (veelal lichte) gebruikssporen, waaronder ook enkele potlood- of penaantekeningen of onderstrepingen door Aarts, maar deze zijn niet hinderlijk.

Indien u interesse heeft, kunt u contact opnemen met mij. De financiële afhandeling verloopt geheel via de stichting. Bij voorkeur op afspraak afhalen in de boekenkelder aan de François de Veijestraat 9 te Maastricht (nabij de Noorderbrug). Indien u de boeken verstuurd wilt hebben, komen er additionele kosten bovenop uw bod, in goed overleg nader te bepalen.

De lijst hieronder is aangevuld met een handvol taalwetenschappelijke boeken uit een andere collectie – deze laatste boeken zijn met een sterretje gemarkeerd.

De collectie Aarts biedt een mooie staalkaart van de Algemene Taalwetenschap en Engelse taalkunde uit de tweede helft van de 20e eeuw. De boeken zijn gegroepeerd op subsdiscipline.

Taalkunde algemeen / inleidingen

  1. Martin Atkinson, David Kilby & Iggy Roca, Foundations of General Linguistics. London [etc.], 1982. Paperback, 388p.
  2. H.A. Gleason, An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics. Revised Edition. New York, 1961. Hardcover, 503p.
  3. Sydney Greenbaum, Good English & The Grammarian. London & New York, 1988. Paperback, 152p. (English Language Series; 17)
  4. Ronald W. Langacker, Fundamentals of Linguistic Analysis. New York [etc.], 1972. Hardcover, 372p.
  5. Gerhard Leitner (ed.), The English Reference Grammar: Language and Linguistics, Writers and Readers. Tübingen, 1986. Paperback, 450p. (Linguistische Arbeiten; 172)
  6. *John Lyons, Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge, 1974. Paperback, 519p.
  7. Takanobu Otsuka (ed.), Readings in English Grammatical Theory: From Sweet To Chomsky. Tokyo, 1971. Hardcover, 202p. (Japanese print, English text).
  8. Randolph Quirk, The Linguist and the English Language. London, 1974. Hardcover, 181p. Rug van het omslag is erg verkleurd.
  9. Randolph Quirk, The Use of English. Enlarged Second Edition. London, 1968. Hardcover, 370p.
  10. Margaret Schlauch, Language and the Study of Languages Today. Warszawa / London, 1967.
  11. Ronald Wardhaugh, Investigating Language: Central Problems in Linguistics. Oxford & Cambridge USA, 1993. Paperback, 292p.


  1. S.I. Hayakawa, Language in Thought and Action. Second Edition. London, 1973. Paperback, 350p.
  2. John R. Searle (ed.), The Philosophy of Language. Oxford, 1972, reprint. Paperback, 148p.
  3. John R. Searle, Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts. Cambridge [etc.], 1979. Hardcover, 187p.

Lexicologie / lexicografie

  1. Eric Partridge, The Gentle Art of Lexicography: as pursued and experienced by an addict. London, 1963. Hardcover, 119p.

Psycholinguïstiek, taalverwerving en taalontwikkeling

  1. James E. Alatis (ed.), Linguistics and language pedagogy: The state of the art. Washington DC, 1991. Paperback, 612p. (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1991).
  2. *Lois Bloom & Margaret Lahey, Language Development and Language Disorders. New York [etc.], 1978. Paperback, 689p.
  3. Theo van Els et al., Applied Linguistics and the Learning and Teaching of Foreign Languages. London [etc.], 1984 (translation from the Dutch 1977 edition). Paperback, 386p.
  4. *Ton van der Geest, Some Aspects of Communicative Competence and their Implications for Language Acquisition. Assen / Amsterdan, 1975. Paperback, 263p.
  5. Willem J. Levelt, Speaking: From Intention to Articulation. Cambridge (Mass.) / London, 1993. Paperback, 566p.
  6. *Frank Smith, Understanding reading: A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Reading and Learning To Read. New York [etc.], 1971. Hardcover, 239p.
  7. *Danny D. Steinberg, An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. London / New York, 1993. Paperback, 266p.
  8. *Lydia White, Grammatical Theory and Language Acquisition. Dordrecht / Cinnaminson (USA), 1982.

Sociolinguïstiek & dialectologie

  1. John T. Platt & Heidi K. Platt, The Social Significance of Speech: An introduction to and workbook in sociolinguistics. Amsterdam / Oxford / New York, 1975. Paperback, 194p. (North-Holland Linguistic Series; 23)
  2. J.K. Chambers & Peter Trudgill, Dialectology. Cambridge [etc.], 1980. Paperback, 218p. (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics). Rug verkleurd.
  3. W.N. Francis, Dialectology: An Introduction. London / New York, 1983. Paperback, 240p. (Longman Linguistics Library; 29).
  4. Isolde Friebel & Heinrich Händel (eds.), Britain-USA Now: A survey in key words. London, 1974. Paperback, 407p.
  5. Leonard Michaels & Christopher Ricks (eds.), The State of the Language: An exceptional gathering of Britisch & American observations on English as the sensitive register of our ideas, feelings, and manners at the beginning of the 1980s. Berkeley (California) [etc.], 1980. Hardcover, 609p.
  6. Peter Trudgill & J.K. Chambers (eds.), Dialects of English: Studies in Grammatical Variation. London / New York, 1991. Paperback, 306p. (Longman Linguistics Library).
  7. Loreto Todd, Pidgins and Creoles. London / Boston, 1974. Paperback, 106p. Rug verkleurd.

Historische taalkunde

  1. Dennis E. Baron, Grammar and Good Taste: Reforming the American Language. New Haven / London: 1982. Hardcover, 263p.
  2. Robert Burchfield, The English Language. Oxford / New York, 1985. Hardcover, 194p.
  3. Theodora Bynon, Historical Linguistics. Cambridge, 1978, reprint with corrections. Paperback, 301p. Rug verkleurd.
  4. Charles Jones (ed.) , Historical Linguistics: Problems and Perspectives. London / New York, 1993. Paperback, 405p. (Longman Linguistics Library).
  5. Robert D. King, Historical Linguistics and Generative Grammar: A Comprehensive Picture of Historical Linguistics in the Perspective of the Theory of Generative Grammar. Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1969. Hardcover, 230p.
  6. Winfred P. Lehmann, Historical Linguistics: An Introduction. New York [etc.]. 1966. Hardcover, 297p.
  7. E.H. Sturtevant, Linguistic Change: An Introduction to the Historical Study of Language. Chicago / Toronto, 1960 (1917). Paperback, 185p.

Geschiedenis taalkunde

(Zie bovenstaande foto, bovenaan de stapel)

  1. Hans Aarsleff, The Study of Language in England 1780-1860. Minneapolis / London, 1983. Paperback, 278p.
  2. William Cobbet, A Grammar of the English Language: The 1818 New York first edition with passages added in 1819, 1820 and 1823. Amsterdam, 1983. Paperback, 185p.
  3. William Cobbet, A Grammar of the English Language: In a Series of Letters. With an Introduction by Robert Burchfield.Oxford /  New York, 1984. Paperback, 179p.
  4. Murray Cohen, Sensible Words: Linguistic Practice in England 1640-1795. Baltimore / London, 1977. Hardcover, 188p.
  5. John T. Waterman, Perspectives in Linguistics: An account of the background of modern linguistics. Chicago, 1963. Paperback, 105p.

Geschiedenis van de taal in bepaalde perioden

  1. W.F. Bolton, The Language of 1984: Orwell’s English and ours. Oxford, 1984. Paperback, 252p.
  2. J.A. Burrow & Thorlac Turville-Petre, A Book of Middle English. Oxford / Cambridge USA, 1992. Paperback, 303p.
  3. Stephan Gramley & Kurt-Michael Pätzold, A Survey of Modern English. London / New York, 1992. Paperback, 498p.
  4. Margaret Schlauch, The English Language in Modern Times (since 1400).  Warszawa, 1959. Hardcover, 316p.
  5. Susie I. Tucker, Protean Shape: A Study in Eighteenth-century Vocabulary and Usage. London, 1967. Hardcover, 322p. Extra: brief van de auteur aan Dr. Aarts.

Fonetiek & fonologie

  1. D.B. Fry, The Physics of Speech. Cambridge [etc.], 1982. Paperback, 148p. (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics).
  2. Daniel Jones, English Phonetics. Leipzig, 1939. Hardcover, 326p.
  3. Roger Kingdon, The Groundwork of English Intonation. London [etc.], 1959. Hardcover, 272p.
  4. Roger Kingdon, The Groundwork of English Stress. London [etc.], 1959. Hardcover, 224p.
  5. Peter A.D. MacCarthy, English Pronunciation: A Practical Handbook for the Foreign Learner. Cambridge, 1947.


  1. Bas Aarts, English Syntax and Argumentation. Basingstoke (Hampshire) / London, 1997. Paperback, 297p. (Modern Linguistics Series).
  2. Bas Aarts, English Syntax and Argumentation. Second Edition. Basingstoke (Hampshire) / New York, 2001. Paperback, 312p. (Modern Linguistics Series).
  3. Adrian Akmaijan & Frank Heny, An Introduction to the Principles of Transformational Syntax. Cambridge (USA) / London, 1975. Hardcover, 418p. Los inlegvel: begeleidende nota waaruit blijkt dat dit een review copy was, geadresseerd aan F. Aarts (foutief gespeld: Aauts), 21-6-1976.
  4. Hans Bennis & Teun Hoekstra, Generatieve grammatica. Dordrecht / Providence (USA), 1989. Paperback, 359p.
  5. Robert D. Borsley, Syntactic Theory: A Unified Approach. London [etc.], 1991. Paperback, 238p.
  6. E.K. Brown & J.E. Miller, Syntax: A Linguistic Introduction to Sentence Structure. London [etc.], 1980. Paperback, 394p. (Hutchinson University Library)
  7. E.K. Brown & J.E. Miller, Syntax: Generative Grammar. London [etc.], 1982. Paperback, 240p. (Hutchinson University Library)
  8. Griet Coupé, Syntactic extension: The historical development of Dutch verb clusters. (Proefschrift). Utrecht, 2015. Paperback, 312p.
  9. Ralph B. Long, The Sentence and its Parts: A Grammar of Contemporary English. Chicago / London, 1969 (reprint). Hardcover, 528p.
  10. Elizabeth Closs Traugott, The History of English Syntax: A Transformational Approach to the History of English Sentence Structure. New York [etc.], 1972. Hardcover, 216p.
  11. Herman Wekker & Liliane Haegeman, A Modern Course in English Syntax. London [etc.], 1985. Paperback, 202p. Rug wat verkleurd.
  12. David J. Young, The Structure of English Clauses. London [etc.], 1980. Paperback, 373p. (Hutchinson University Library)


(Zie op de bovenstaande foto, bovenaan.)

  1. Diane Blakemore, Understanding utterances: An introduction to pragmatics. Oxford UK / Cambridge USA, 1992. Paperback, 191p.
  2. Stephen C. Levinson, Pragmatics. Cambridge [etc.], 1984 (reprint). Paperback, 420p. (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics).


  1. Jan M.G. Aarts & Joseph P. Calbert, Metaphor and Non-Metaphor: The Semantics of Adjective-Noun Combinations. Tübingen, 1979. (Linguistische Arbeiten).
  2. Minoji Akimoto, Idiomaticity. Tokyo, 1983. Hardcover, 358p.
  3. George L. Dillon, Introduction to Contemporary Linguistic Semantics. Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1977. Paperback, 150p.
  4. Th. R. Hofmann, Realms of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantics. London / NewYork, 1993.
  5. James R. Hurford & Brendan Heasley, Semantics: a coursebook. Cambridge [etc.], 1989 (reprint). Paperback, 292p.
  6. Ruth M. Kempson, Presupposition and delimitation of semantics. Cambridge [etc.], 1975. Paperback, 235p.
  7. Geoffrey N. Leech, Towards a Semantic Description of English. London / Harlow, 1969. Hardcover, 277p.
  8. F.R. Palmer, Mood and Modality. Cambridge [etc.], 1986. Paperback, 243p. (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics).
  9. F.R. Palmer, Semantics. Second Edition. Cambridge [etc.], 1981. Paperback, 221p.
  10. John I. Saeed, Semantics. Oxford / Malden (Mass.), 1998 (reprint). Paperback, 360p.
  11. Wim Tigges (ed.), Explorations in the Field of Nonsense. Amsterdam, 1987. Hardcover, 255p. (DQR Studies in Literature; 3).
  12. Stephen Ullmann, Semantics: An Introduction to the Science of Meaning. Oxford, 1962. Hardcover, 278p.
  13. Stephen Ullmann, The Principle of Semantics. Oxford / Glasgow, 1967. Hardcover, 352p.
  14. R.A. Waldron, Sense and sense development. London, 1967. Hardcover, 224p. (The Language Library).
  15. C.L. Hamblin, Imperatives. Oxford / New York, 1987. Harcover, 262p.
  16. Eirly Davies, The English Imperative. London [etc.], 1986. Hardcover, 275p. (Croom Helm Linguistics Series).


  1. V.H. Collins, One Word and Another: A Book of Synonyms with Explanations and Examples. London, 1964 (reprint). Hardcover, 164p.
  2. Andreas Fischer et al., Text types and corporea: Studies in Honour of Udo Fries. Tübingen, 2002. Hardcover, 225p.
  3. H.W. Fowler, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage. Second edition, revised by Ernest Gowers. Oxford, 1980 (reprint). Hardcover, 725p.
  4. Ernest Gowers (revised by Sidney Greenbaum & Janet Whitcut), The Complete Plain Words. London, 1986. Hardcover, 288p.
  5. Randolph Quirk & Sidney Greenbaum, A University Grammar of English – Workbook (by R.A. Close), adapted for Dutch-speaking students. Groningen, 1976. Paperback, 190p. (University of Nijmegen Department of English).
  6. John Sinclair, Corpus, Concordance, Collocation. Oxford [etc.]. 1991. Paperback, 179p.
  7. Lynne Truss, Eats Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. London, 2003. Hardcover, 209p.
  8. Joseph Wright, Grammar of the Gothic Language. Oxford, 1949 (reprint of the edition of 1910). Hardcover, 358p.